
Say goodbye to baldness, one brushstroke at a time!

Andre Kim is a Korean fashion designer, and he has found the cure for baldness: paint. (You know, that stuff you put on walls and other surfaces and inanimate objects)

Kim says the idea came to him in a flash of insight. “I was painting my house, and as I looked into the full paint bucket, I thought to myself, ‘This looks exactly like human hair!’” It wasn’t long before Kim using the paint on his own head.

“At first, I was worried that it would look fake. But as you can see, those fears were unfounded. Go ahead, run your hands through my paint. Can you tell it’s not real?” According to Kim, this won’t be his last invention. “I’m developing a technique where we can cure shortness with really big hats."

But there's one question everyone is asking! "Does it work?!"


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